


Tom and Jerry Tales is an American animated television series starring the Academy Award-winning cat-and-mouse duo Tom and Jerry. Produced by Warner Bros. Animation and Turner Entertainment Co., It is the seventh made-for-television incarnation of the Tom and Jerry franchise; it originally ran in the United States from September 23, 2006 to March 22, 2008 on The CW.Tom and Jerry co-creator and co-founder of Hanna-Barbera, Joseph Barbera, served as executive producer for the series before his death and received story credit on some shorts of the series' first season. The series consists of two seasons and 26 episodes, each consisting of three shorts (some of them—like The Karate Guard—were produced and completed in 2003 as part of a 30-plus theatrical cartoon schedule aborted after the financial fiasco of Looney Tunes: Back in Action) with approximately the same running time as the original theatrical shorts and focusing on a shared theme between them.


欧美 TV 童年 猫和老鼠 搞笑 原创 2006 日常 2006年 经典 续作


William Hanna


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